Sunday, June 24, 2018

Birthday Reflections at 75 - Appreciation for the Gift of Life

8. Looking at the Glass, Lightly 

For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. (1 Corinthians 13: 12) 

As I write, it is my birthday. I am grateful for the gift of my life! More than seven decades ago doctors pronounced I would not survive the delivery room. Today, happier words greet me. A former first-grade student writes, “Miss Severance, thanks for learning me good.” I smile at his grammatical joy aimed at me! 

Have I learned good, Lord? You have blessed my days in many ways. I am filled with gratitude. There have been tremendous challenges, beginning with my fight to live beyond the delivery room. At that time you instilled a love within me to choose life. I don’t like the trials but I treasure the ways you help me through them. Realistically, looking from this side of the glass, parts are smudged and splintered from the challenges and choices that have comprised my life. 

I see these imprints because your light shines through showing them to me. I also acknowledge and view the beautiful moments. I choose to recognize both. I desire to dwell in the buoyancy of your light that lifts me above a world that can clamor, wanting to pull me down. Someday I will understand reasons for many of my life events during these past decades. I am in no rush. Delivery to my eternal home will come and all things will be made clear. 

It could be that any whys that exist now will be unimportant then. I will abide in the knowing and not in any asking. The learning good part is my trusting you while looking at the glass of my life lightly. I want to seek your wholeness in what appears broken. In the midst of any challenges, I am still a reflection of you. I want nothing to dim that image.

Prayer: Lord, every day I see glimpses of beauty amidst the more marred parts of your created world. Help me recognize your touch, especially in my life events that are hard to understand. Knowing you understand can bring me a peaceful contentment. Amen.

Lynn L. Severance. “Seeking the Light of God's Comforter When Challenges Dim Our View”.8. Looking At the Glass Lightly. Redemption Press. 

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Book Excerpt # 39 "Come Away and Rest"

28. Come Away and Rest 

I would hurry to my place of shelter, far from the tempest and storm. (Psalm 55: 8) 

We are often exhorted in Scripture to cast our cares on the Lord. These are times He can comfort and sustain us. Thus, it is a given such times will come into each life. Nonetheless, they can catch us unawares. Psalm 55 is filled with the cries of one who is distraught and needing the comfort of a calm shelter.

Jesus, our human Savior, needed respite from the crowds and the demands that could drain him. At such times, He stepped apart to be alone with his Father. He did so for direction and relationship, solace, restoration, and peace.

 If Jesus needed this kind of rest, how much more will we need the same?  Physical and emotional challenges do intensify weariness. We must set aside time to be renewed with the energy of encouragement so we can choose to persevere. 

How do you seek restoration during overwhelming times? Are you someone who can get away from your home and discover rest in this way? I have experienced times of refreshment in God’s magnificent creation. I love the quiet natural environments where his beauty is manifested. In the quiet, they can speak volumes to my soul. 

Are you homebound? When I recall times I could be away from home, these remembrances bring joy. The memories remain fresh within me. God blessed me with the events in the first place. He was with me when they occurred and dwells with me in their recollection. 

The truth is, wherever we are, God is near and ready for our attention to be focused solely on him. In choosing to spend time with him, any place becomes a resting place. We need but stop and let God meet us where we are.

He is my rest and He is your rest. May each of us allow him to reveal his nearness and care. He loves us and knows what will restore us in the best of ways.


Lord, help me turn my attention to you, recognizing you are my place of refuge. You are ever ready to shelter and strengthen me. And I am ever appreciative receiving your graciousness! Amen.

Lynn L. Severance. “Seeking the Light of God's Comforter When Challenges Dim Our View”  28. “Come Away and Rest”. Redemption Press.