Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Night Watch

“Send me your light and your faithful care, let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, 
to the place where you dwell” (Psalm 43:3).

Many members of my family worked in law enforcement. Their preference was working the night shift as there was more action during those hours.

For me, there are times the night hours easily bring fears that make me long for the light of day. In the quiet of the night’s dark hours, fighting afflictions can be harder - not any action I find preferable!

Yet I am told in Scripture that my God never sleeps or slumbers. He is an ever present help in time of trouble. The Old Testament speaks of the twenty-four hour watchmen on the high towers, trained with keen eyes to keep the enemy forces outside the city gates, be it day or night. As the men in my family worked, trying to keep safe those who were preyed upon at night, I have the One who is deeply watchful from without and within me. He is light - a light that dispels darkness. 

To whom or what will I give in when the night watch becomes a deep valley of challenge? I want to focus on the One who will lead me up and out of the dark, dampening any enemy schemes. 

 O Comforter with keen eyes!  
You are my watchmen bringing your light and lightness.

from “Feathered Whispers from God’s Heart”

Lynn L. Severance


  1. Lynn oh how you bless me my dear friend. Keep delighting in writing for the Lord and blessing so many. Love ya to the moon and back... Your BD Twin, Nancy :)

    1. I am encouraged to read your note, Nancy. I hope to keep writing and have a project I am getting back to. Please say prayers!!

      Love you, too, and miss sharing with you as we often did.I know typing can be hard for you your sharing here means a lot.

      Hugs to you and Pastor Pat!


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