Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Night Watch

“Send me your light and your faithful care, let them lead me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, 
to the place where you dwell” (Psalm 43:3).

Many members of my family worked in law enforcement. Their preference was working the night shift as there was more action during those hours.

For me, there are times the night hours easily bring fears that make me long for the light of day. In the quiet of the night’s dark hours, fighting afflictions can be harder - not any action I find preferable!

Yet I am told in Scripture that my God never sleeps or slumbers. He is an ever present help in time of trouble. The Old Testament speaks of the twenty-four hour watchmen on the high towers, trained with keen eyes to keep the enemy forces outside the city gates, be it day or night. As the men in my family worked, trying to keep safe those who were preyed upon at night, I have the One who is deeply watchful from without and within me. He is light - a light that dispels darkness. 

To whom or what will I give in when the night watch becomes a deep valley of challenge? I want to focus on the One who will lead me up and out of the dark, dampening any enemy schemes. 

 O Comforter with keen eyes!  
You are my watchmen bringing your light and lightness.

from “Feathered Whispers from God’s Heart”

Lynn L. Severance

Monday, August 20, 2018

Facing Goliath

“Deliver me from my enemies, O God; 
be my fortress against those who are attacking me”
( Psalm 59:1).

This Scripture reminded me to the story of David facing Goliath, one I thought I knew well. I was blessed with some insights that helped me during the time I revisited it. The ESV translation of this Psalm blessed me with enhanced  perspective.

 “. . .O my God; protect me from those 
who rise up against me;”

Young David heard the insults being hurled at the Israelites. Shocked by the words and the atmosphere in the camp, he went into defense mode.

Fearless, mocked by the others, climbing out of Saul’s armor in which he could not move, David was confident to face Goliath. Why? How? Saul and his troops were shaking in their boots!

David never questioned that God would deliver Goliath into his hands. Five smooth stones and a sling shot were his natural armor. The deeper protective armor was his trust in his God who had consistently delivered him from dangers in his past. God dominated David’s view.

We will face Goliaths -- challenges in body or soul, mind or spirit. When whoever or whatever comes to bully us, our battlefield can be covered with our confidence in the One who is our armor. 

We can exchange the roughened stones that bind us in fear for God’s smoothed stones of trust and faithfulness.


Lord -- 
Greater in me than anything 
within or without coming to destroy -- 
Let’s triumph!

from “Feathered Whispers from God’s Heart”

Lynn L. Severance

Monday, August 13, 2018

Allowing Jesus to Woo Me When Set Apart in the Desert

“Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her. There I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the Valley of Achor, [bitterness] a door of hope. There she will respond as in the days of her youth, as in the day she came up out of Egypt” 
(Hosea 2:14-15).

Anointed approval from his Father greeted Jesus during his Jordan baptism. Then he was led immediately, by the Holy Spirit, into the desert to be taunted by the devil. His Father trusted Jesus. He was in preparation for the days that lie ahead when,not only the devil, but others and circumstances would come against him. 

What if my perspective, when set apart and needing the grace to persevere was to take better notice of the One who is always with me reminding me of his faithfulness? Could his purposes thus be better realized? 

I know I am grafted into the Vine and therefore ready to also be faithful. I refuse to be wrenched away from the nourishment available when in barren places. His abundance never runs out. He is abundance! 

When what he has to convey to me is received, we both rejoice as my hope is restored. 


Held steady in your grace-filled, wellspringed Presence 

is gift enough when set apart. 

from “Feathered Whispers from God’s Heart”

Lynn L. Severance

Monday, August 6, 2018

Expressing Gratitude to God

“And Mary said: “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior” (Luke 1:46-47).

Mary was pregnant and had traveled a distance to visit her cousin, Elizabeth, who also was with child. “. . . when Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit” (Luke 1:41).

Mary’s response glorified the Lord. Both women magnified God’s gift of life within them and were in wonder at the bestowal. 

Am I to be different knowing I am filled with the same Spirit? I cling to his nearness. 

I need his strength magnified. I want to magnify him when I have the opportunity. With him, I am more than any challenges that shout at me for attention, more than my hopes, more than my dreams. 

I want to leap with them and let him do the shining while I watch in wonder. He has all of them safe in his heart and knows the timing of their release and fulfillment.

I want God to use all I have experienced and am experiencing for his glory, be I alone or with others. 

 “I have not concealed your steadfast love and your faithfulness from the great congregation” (Psalm 40:10b ESV). 

A congregation of one or more? 

The numbers do not matter. 
How I choose to walk and share does.

Rejoicing in You!
 Your birthed self within, leaping in wonder!

from “Feathered Whispers from God’s Heart”

Lynn L. Severance