Friday, September 29, 2017

Book Excerpt #22 Introduction to Section THREE

Gratitude - Trust - Faihtfulness - Abundance - Surrender

The leaves are brilliantly colored, maximized in their finery. A nip in the air indicates another season is upon our land. In all this beauty there are notes of surrender. The brilliance will soon lead to a cycle of life as leaves fall to the ground. In time, new growth will emerge from their nourishment. 

The leaves’ surrender seems so effortless. They yield their abundance willingly. Oh that I could do likewise when needed. I often hesitate, not wanting to let go to make way for the unknown. Yet God consistently desires to give new life. The author of wonder makes all things new! He asks my patience as trusting leads to the gift of his faithfulness.

There is an ache in each surrender. When I attempt to do it alone, I can whirl around like the falling leaves. When I seek to partner with my God, He can gently help me fall into his place of grace— a soft landing.

In the writings that fill this section of the book, I have chronicled some of the surrendering steps God has asked of me. It is in the understanding of their importance that my journey with him has moved along. He wants to lead and care for me. He can bring me to a place of trust-filled peace. With a heart of gratitude, He can hear me say, “Thank you, Lord. I am seeing you more clearly now.”

Bless you as you read!

The photo above is of an original oil painting by my Mom, Maggie

Lynn L. Severance. Seeking the Light of God's Comforter When Challenges Dim Our View. Redemption Press. (Click on Redemption Press for ordering information.)

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