Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Book Excerpt #7 (Easter Week) Is the Wilderness Always Barren?

Jesus, our Savior, spent thirty years in preparation before his public ministry began. Immediately following its commencement, He was led by the Holy Spirit and tested for forty days in the desert. 
(Matthew 4: 1-11) 

Afterwards, He moved forth fulfilling his earthly destiny.

Lord, you ask me to walk, not in a barren place, but in a deep place with you. Our entire journey is important. Help me appreciate you as the One knowing where we are going! Any wilderness time becomes a place where my trust in you can bloom. Amen.

Lynn L. Severance. "Seeking the Light of God's Comforter When Challenges Dim Our View"  51. "Is the Wilderness Always Barren?" . Redemption Press. 


  1. I am almost finished reading all the devotionals in your book, Lynn, and it makes me sad to finish. I have really enjoyed gleaning your wisdom each morning. But I can always go back and re-read. Such a treasure to have your words in permanent form!

    1. Thank you, Lisa - and a blessed Easter to you and your family!
      It surely is a book to return to as led. I've needed to return to many of the devotionals myself to stay encouraged!

      I hear from readers how they are going deeper by journalling the study questions - or sharing them with a friend and talking them through.

      Any of these are not a "have to" - simply feedback I have received which warms my heart as does my knowing of your appreciation in having my "Seeking" and reading through. May she bless you anytime you find her peeking up at you!


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